Therapy Services

Various teaching techniques are used to help the behavior, language and communication skills, emotional regulation, better self-care, self-esteem and cognitive skills of children with autism and other developmental disorders. They includes: –



Allow individuals to achieve their maximum level of independence in 3 common areas; productivity, self-care and leisure. We expertise in equipment and home modifications and provide compensatory techniques (as and when needed).  At Spark Rehabilitation Centre, Occupational Therapist evaluates the child’s current level of ability. The evaluation looks at several areas, including child’s efficiency, self-care and leisure.


Through Physical Methods, we assist individuals to master skills that help in restoration function and movement. We also prevent further damage to affected areas. Aid children who have not achieved certain milestones like sitting, standing, walking and other gross or fine or oral motor skills.



Provide management and support for individuals who struggle in communication. They learn to understand language and express themselves to the best of their ability using techniques such as language intervention activities, articulation therapy and fluency-enhancing strategies amongst others. Children with ASD have major problems communication. They also find it very hard to interact socially. For these
reasons, speech therapy is a central part of intervention for autism. It helps children to communicate and interact with others. It involves Receptive and Expressive Skills which consist of Verbal and non-verbal skills like making eye contact, taking turns in a conversation and using and understanding gestures. We also teach children how to express themselves both verbally, gesturally and using sign language.



We involve the use of scientific approach, which promotes desired behaviors and minimize/eliminate undesired ones. This intend to Reduced maladaptive behaviors and help children improve their social skills and the ability to make friends. Natural Environment Training (NET) methods are incorporated into the therapy to help teach them how to cope with their anger healthily and be able to generalize across people, time and settings. We also involve the use of pivotal response training to help encourage positive behavior and happiness through using positive motivations that are catered to the child and what they enjoy. We also involve the use of different types of training techniques that help to promote social skills, which help a child to get along with their peers better.



A form of learning provided to students with learning difficulties and prepare them for life long success, integrated and mainstream environments and builds their confidence. We offer support, skills and learning aids for every individual’s successful development in the areas of reading, writing and arithmetic.